How I met Schrodinger’s Cat?

Recently our bunch of close friends had a get-together.  It was after a long time no see reunion so we all got so dope into our conversations and about the happening in our lives. We were discussing on so many topics, but what intrigues my interest was the topic of Schrodinger’s Cat and the recent memes that were trending in regards to it.  After a jovial discussion on it and knowing what exactly does the theory of Schrodinger’s Cat is about, it hit me to think in view of its psychology inputs keeping the physics aside.

As the theory of Schrodinger’s Cat suggests that if, you keep a cat along with something that can actually kill your cat and put them together into a box and sealed it. You can only predict but would not know whether the cat is alive or dead, until you observe it by opening the box. So in that sense, till you could not determine the status of your cat, it is both alive and dead. It sounds interesting, if I say let the box be your brain and let’s dump our thoughts, our cat along with some feeds, the poison (maybe/ may not be) together. The results of these to a person’s behaviour can never be assured but can only be predicted. It could be positive or negative. Until we observe and the visualize the outcomes of the said test, we can’t be sure about anything. Thus, we can feed our brains with various emotions, but how we would react to it will always differ, given the situations and we cannot judge the person “good or bad”. As in the given sense just like the cat, the person it both “good and bad” given that the thoughts could be positive or negative.

When I shared my feelings with my friends, even they felt is actually the way we feed our brains daily and see whether our cat is yet alive or dead. It might look absurd to some people, but I think it really makes sense that this theory has many implications if we put it in use for our daily lives. It can also help us, to simplify our thoughts and how are we feeding our brains daily, with an expectations that we wished to see in the resultant output. Our behaviours are the resultant output of our emotions, feelings, drives and the feeds that we feed it with. Optimistic personalities are the resultant output of the positive feeds that cater the brains thinking process and pessimistic are the ones with negative feeding prospects.

That’s how I meet Schrodinger’s cat on a wonderful get together evening along with my friend. So what are you feeding today to your cat?






4 responses to “How I met Schrodinger’s Cat?”

  1. oliviasmith66 avatar

    Wow, this is a really intriguing take on Schrodinger’s Cat! It’s fascinating to think about how the theory can be applied to psychology and our thought processes. The analogy of the box being our brain and our thoughts being the cat and poison is really thought-provoking. It definitely makes me think about the power of our thoughts and how they can affect our reality. Thank you for sharing this unique perspective!


    1. Namrata Arora avatar

      Thank you for reading my piece and appreciating it.. I hope that this perception and thinking helps you in anyway in future.


  2. catreign avatar

    The concept of Schrödinger’s Cat is indeed thought-provoking, and I appreciate your perspective on applying it to psychology. It’s fascinating to consider how our thoughts and emotions can exist in a superposition until observed or acknowledged. Your analogy of the box as the brain and thoughts as the cat is intriguing. Thank you, author, for sharing this intriguing topic with us.


    1. Namrata Arora avatar

      Thanks for appreciating it. I hope it can help you in anyways. I look forward to you for reading my other blog articles too and hope they help and ease you well.


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